What We Are Up Against

I read a blog post today from someone that REALLY doesn't understand what small businesses are.

Well,,, maybe this person does but chooses to take a socialistic view of what small businesses should be - I'm not sure.


I don’t get how anybody who makes 250,000 dollars a year can complain about anything. I would like to see that persons house. I would like to see what they drive. I know men that make only 9.00 an hour and drive a mercedes. So I can only imagine what their salary would bring. Listen, I’m not a expert on the subject, but I have a whole lot of common sense. If a person who is making that much money, I imagine them taking out 50,000 for taxes and then 100,000 dollars annually for employees. That would bring you a profit of what 100,000 dollars, yet that is not enough? Now we know that the government isn’t taking away 50,000 dollars annually are they?

This is where the person just doesn't understand small business - AT All...

The Communist Manifesto explains this Attitude: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

I'm actually kind of shocked Karl Marx wasn't listed on this person's blog as their person most admired.

If the person that wrote this tripe ever read the Communist Manifesto; I BET this person would agree with the book completely..

And this one:

I said it and it’s what I believe. Obama raising taxes on families or businesses that make that kind of income, you need to know what they actually pay their employees. 7.00 an hour. shame on them.

Yep,,, "Spread The Wealth Around" mentality.

I guess, being a small business owner, I should pay my employees over $7.00 / hour no matter what their job actually is. Everyone knows it's up the the employer to make sure the unskilled labor makes enough to support their families - right???

THIS is the mentallity of the Obama supporters. It's not our job to learn a skill and it's YOUR job to pay me enough to support my family.. This shit makes me sick.

Again: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." explains this view.

The phrase summarizes the principles that, under a communist system, every person should contribute to society to the best of their ability and consume from society in proportion to their needs, regardless of how much they have contributed. In the Marxist view, such an arrangement will be made possible by the abundance of goods and services that a developed communist society will produce; the idea is that there will be enough to satisfy everyone's needs

How about this one:

Now I will cut that conversation off before I say too much, but you get my point. Downtown Orlando, you don’t see many blacks. Another controversial statement, and if you do, they are headed to court. No offense, blacks don’t get ahead in corporate America, at least they don’t really in Florida. And when they do, they turn conservative, which makes them not stay current on the issues that plaque blacks and liberal whites as well as all liberals. How sad?

I use to work in Orlando for years and there are PLENTY of black executives! OH Yeah,,, I forgot about them turning conservative and thus making "them not stay current on the issues".. That's right; if you're not a bleeding-heart liberal and want to make EVERYTHING a government give-away; you're "not current on the issues".

I would dare to say that conservatives are more focused on the issues - that's why they became CONSERVATIVE..


As we can see from this economic crisis, the wrong kind of government takes care of it’s own first. Believe it. I know that many people will disagree with me, or maybe not, but with the homelessness, and drug abuse, firearms in the wrong hands, terrorist threats, crime filled cities and states, foreclosures, debt weariness, healthcare denials, Noone that makes $250,000 annually should have anything to complain about. I said it and it’s what I believe. Obama raising taxes on families or businesses that make that kind of income, you need to know what they actually pay their employees. 7.00 an hour. shame on them. You also should know that most families do not make that kind of money,if they did, we wouldn’t have this foreclosure crisis. But businesses do and to think what they pay their employees, many of them offering no insurance or benefits.

We the working people of America deserve better than this.

Another "GIVE me everything I need so I don't have to work for it" liberal attitude.

Isn't it funny how this person quotes the "Terrorist threats" as an issue. When was the last time you saw a Liberal do ANYTHING about a terrorist threat - other than bend over and grab the ankles.

"Foreclosures..." Did this person actually investigate this issue?????? Obviously not if this person cites this is a problem.

"Yep, Mr. Ilegal Immigrant, you qualify for a 300.000 dollar home! Can't pay for it? Not our problem. Our job is to put you into a house you picked - no matter if you can afford it or not."

This kind of shit makes me want to hurl. There is only so much of this "Un-Informed, Believe everything Liberals say, I'm a sheep following the liberal heard" mentality I can take at one time.

Does it EVERY strike ANYONE odd that people that come here (legally) from other countries tend to make it to the American Dream where some people that were actually born here think the American Dream needs to be given to them???????????

If you can stomach this tripe; here is the blog post.

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